Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take me AWAY!

Well, I have had one of those weeks! Overscheduling, duelling deadlines, clients expecting magic and getting lumps of lame-o, one pathetic bout of me crying at a downtown busstop, and one narrowly averted double-scheduling. Where's my evil twin when I need her?

Anyway, I can barely even express how wonderful it has been to be reading Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn this week. Settling into the world of this book every night has saved my sanity.

Much of it takes place in the family ancestral home, a great Abbey in Sussex. The characters dress for dinner, which I always enjoy reading about. Lady Julia Grey's maid sometimes suggests outfits, frequently velvet gowns, as well as accessories. As far as I'm concerned, the book cover is totally Lady Julia in her gray pearls which she wore one night. Even though the pearls are black in the picture.

I love that the family and their houseguests play games after dinner. In the part I read last night, they considered charades, but settled on sardines, a kind of adult hide and seek. And stormy handsome mysterious Brisbane, stormily mulling in the background.

I so want to live there! I have so enjoyed luxuriating in this world. Yes the writing is beautiful, the story amazing, the series one of the best in known existence, but the world! Raybourn, take me away!

Contest: Anybody else want to be transported to this most delicious world? I will personally buy and send you a copy of book #1, Silent in the Grave or book #2, this one plus another goody. Just let me know you are entering in the comments and I'll pick one person on Tuesday. Open to all countries.

Image: Portrait of Madame Paul Poirson by John Singer Sargent, wikimedia


Lori said...

Oh, I have heard such good things about her! JenniferB loves her. I'm glad to hear that you love her writing, too! I picked up Silent in the Sanctuary at the UBS, and am really looking forward to starting it.

Anonymous said...

Wow i would love to enter this contest. The setting is one of my favorite parts of historical romances. I love the ballrooms and the fancy dinners and the drawing rooms. I love how they are all dressed up and everything is strict for the young ladies. IF an author can set this in my mind while im reading then im sold on them for life.

Janicu said...

Meeee!!! I keep seeing all these good reviews for this one.

Rebecca @ DSB said...

I'm in... a good historical romance is high on my list of wants, but I'm often disappointed. (I really like the cover art on this one... always wanted black pearls myself since they seem both naughty and nice). Please add my name to the hat.

Amy C said...

This is the first I've heard of this author. I'd love to be entered :)!

Marg said...

Don't worry about entering me into this giveaway because I have read all the books! You have neglected to mention the best part of this book - Nicholas Brisbane!

Mandi said...

I have never read this author. I'm in:)

Lea said...


This is so nice of you and I have not heard of this author. The story sounds amazing.

Yes please enter me.

I'll pimp your giveaway!


host said...

Sounds great! Count me in please :)

Kati said...

I keep meaning to pick these books up! I know Orannia loves them too.

Sorry you've had a rough week, CJ! Here's hoping the weekend rejuvenates you!

Eva S said...

Yes, I'd want to live there too! I love reading about this time period, please count me in!

Blodeuedd said...

Sounds like a great read.
I am so in :D
I am in the mood for historicals lately, can't wait to finish the one I am reading now cos it's good

azteclady said...

Like many others here, I've heard great things about Ms Rayburn's books,but have yet to read them. I'd love to be entered in the drawing. Thank you, CC(formerly CJ :wink: )

mslizalou said...

I would love to enter the contest. I'm always looking for new to me authors and have really gotten back into historical romances lately.

Amy M said...

This is a new author for me...and her books sound wonderful!

I love the ballrooms, the formality of the way people lived their lives back then. So romantic!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Amy M

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I love this contest. Please count me in.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Sarai said...

I'm sorry your week has been horrible! No worries this weekend will rock!

I liked the first one sort of and just haven't gotten around to the second. I really need to get back to it.

Christine said...

Oh! my kids love playing "sardines"! I didn't realize it had origins farther back than 10 years ago. LOL! I can only imagine the fun of playing it with unbetrothed adults. ;)

I have never read this book or any of Deanna Raybourn's work. It sounds lovely. Please enter me in your generous giveaway.

Renee said...

Don't enter me since you know I've read and love this series!
Just wanted to give you a hug, and tell you to hang in there. And thank you again for recommending Deeper. Still thinking about it.


The Scarf Princess said...

Thank goodness for books! Some days it's the only thing keeping me sane.

And historicals are a favorite since there seemed to be way less stress back then.

tetewa said...

I'd like to be included, sounds good!

The Brunette Librarian said...

I'd like to read "Silent in the sanctuary" Deanna Rayburn is an awesome author who writes a little differently...definetly not your run of the mill romances :)

rachie2004 @ yahoo (dot) com

chey said...

Please enter me. I love historical romances.

Jill Sorenson said...

So sorry you were crying at the busstop! I'm sending good vibes and stress-relieving endorphins your way.

I already have these books (sadly unread!) so please don't enter me.

Joanna Chambers said...

No more tears. Soak them up in the pages of your lovely romance novel, dearie.

This sounds fabbo - and I LOVE sardines (sooooooooo long since I played it.)

Lyoness2009 said...

Huge fan of Deanna. Please count me in...I havn't had a chance to read this one yet!! :)

lyoness2009 @ hot mail *dot* com

Carolyn Crane said...

Wow, thanks everybody, I am so excited for everybody visiting and entering my contest! And everyone else who just dropped by!

Anonymous said...

I like good books that describe the costumes of the period and think this cover looks very nice.
Please enter me in the contest

woolydaisy said...

i hope your week has improved. i know what it's like to cry at a busstop!!!! damn gurl-you read to fast- i just get started on one of your suggestions and then your off to another-and i think-wow! MAYBE I SHOULD READ THAT ONE TOO. ADD! big time here-short attention span-ready to leap to the next thing with finishing the last-it sucks when you're a knitter. my curse in life-too much flitting about! i bore easily.

please enter me in the contest-silent in the grave was another i wanted to start:)

Taja said...

Please don't enter me into this giveaway. I just wanted to say I hope your next week - well, all weeks - is better. :)

(Though this post reminds me that I still have Silent in the Grave in my tbr pile. I must really get to it.)

sula said...

ceeeeejay! sorry to hear about your craptastic day. hope that calgon and a great book will take you away.

definitely put my name in the hat...that book looks awesome. historical ftw!

Pam P said...

Love to enter, a few friends have said they are liking this series a lot.

Hilcia said...

Ohhh! I haven't read these books yet... I want to go there too, *sigh* gray pearls. I'm in!

Roxy said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like to enter too.


CrystalGB said...

I have heard great buzz about Ms. Raybourn's books. Please count me in the drawing.


knitseashore said...

Chris sent me here. I have the first book, though I haven't read it yet, but you make them both sound amazing! Please count me in for the second.

I so wish we all dressed for dinner, at least occasionally!

Amanda said...

O wow! I've been dying to read this one. Thank you! Oh, and your blog rocks!

orannia said...


I hope this week is much better for you than the last!

And like Kati said, I just adore this series! Actually that reminds me.... *scribbles note* That will all make sense tomorrow :)

I'm not usually a first person fan, but I never feel like I'm reading in the first person with this series - it all just flows so beautifully! And as for Nicholas! Hmmmm *grin*

And you have the third book to look forward too - lucky you!

Terry said...

Please enter me in your contest. I love to be transported to other times! Thanks for doing this contest.

tmrtini at gmail dot com

Shaymless Aymless said...

You are too kinda. I read your title and immediately thought Calgon! *g* talking about dating myself.

Glad you were able to find your escape, but then isn't that what a good story is supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

Am I too late? Regardless, I think this might be the kind of book I'd like. If I'm the lucky winner, you can reach me at Thanks!

wildflower00 said...

I love to read historical romances. they are a great escape. please enter me. this book sounds great and I could use an escape about now :)