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2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Inspiration #MYTHLEGENDFOLKLORE #ISLANDS
I’m delighted to welcome you to the 2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. The
challenge asks participants to read up to 12 books over the year, each from
a di...
6 hours ago
I don't even know who Wolfram and Hart are, but - Hahaha!
M: it is the demonic law firm from Angel (the TV Show)
I haven't said anything yet on any of these, but....
OMG. I love you, CJ. lol
Ana: Yes! Can you even believe that show was on so long ago now?
M: And it's a spin off from Buffy.
Kmont and JenB: Hey, THANKS you guys.
I can......and i miss it so. as it just so happens I JUST bought Buffy box set and am re-watching it from the start. Angel was so young!
Ahahahahaha. CJ, you are so bad!
LMFAO - OMG, CJ. Best one EVAR.
Of course, you should hope that she who invented one of those phrases doesn't see it. She'd probably put a button up about it. :wink:
LOLOL!!! omg I love this one!!
CJ, you completely blow my mind for your sheer genius. My creativity is nill...but then again, I've been sicker than a dog.
Thank you for the great laugh. I needed it. :D
You forgot "go over!" LOL
M is right: it is not necessary to know the Omega to crack up at this.
Ana: We own that set, too! It totally holds up over time, doesn't it? And yeah, it's amazing about Angel, how DIFFERENT he looks. We re-watched some of those recently, too.
Kati: Oh, I KNOW! I was thinking about that, but, oh well. A button would actually be great advertising!
LA, Tracy, BL: Thanks you guys! It means a lot that you stopped to comment. Now I just hope I don't run out of ideas before the 25th.
KB: snort.
K: You got one! I'm sure these are totally mystifying when you have not read the books.
Bwah hahaha!!! Brilliant! Would W&H and the Omega have a meeting to finallize that contract, and if so, would Lindsey be there? If the answer is yes, I want in on that! Hot pocket sized lawyer is mine!
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