Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gasp! My cover!!

Gah! Help! Somebody get me away from my computer...I can't stop looking at the new cover for my novel! Honestly, I just want to look at it and look at it. I'm so so excited. I think the cover artist at Spectra did an amazing job.

There was a time when it was coming out in April, but that got pushed to March 23rd, which further thrills me.

Book 2 will be out in September. One of these days I'll get my new author site up and stick the whole synopsis there, and possibly here, but I don't want to show and tell things before I'm supposed to. [update: Site now up!! here]

But I'm sure it's fine to say that, in a nutshell, Mind Games is the first in an urban fantasy trilogy about a hypochondriac who joins a psychological hit squad. It takes place in a fantastical Milwaukee/Chicago. (Specifically, the Milwaukee/Chicago of my childhood imagination. I lived in suburbs of both cities as a young child.)

Anyway, I'm just so so excited.

Published by Spectra, a division of Random House.


KT Grant said...

I am so pimping your cover out!!

Nicola O. said...


You must be so excited!

Christina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
meljean brook said...

Oh, hot damn!! That is a FANTASTIC cover, Carolyn! You must be thrilled like crazy.

Can't wait for this. Plz to send me an ARC someday? I will trade if you want. KTHXBAI.

Christina said...

Congratulations! It's a GREAT cover. ;-)

(I deleted the previous remarks due to spelling error) :-p

JenB said...

Ooooh! It's GORGEOUS!!!

meljean brook said...

Also, if you manage to step away from the computer any time in the first 48 hours after receiving a cover, please share with the rest of us how you do it.

The only way I function is that I've tattooed my latest one on the inside of my eyelids.

Anonymous said...

That is GORGEOUS!!! WOW!! I can't blame you for staring!!

wren boudreau said...

So amazing. And Exciting!
Congrats :)

Donna said...

It's Gorgeous!!! Love it! I would have my eyes glued to it also. :)

orannia said...

It's absolutely gorgeous! You must be thrilled! I can't wait to read the synopsis!

Leslie said...

LOVE IT CJ! And a cover quote from Ann Aguirre - awesome! So excited for you!!!

Anna said...

Wow your cover is gorgeous!!! Looking forward to reading it. :)

Enchanted by Books said...


OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I loveee your cover and I am SO buying it!!! I've never had a friend who wrote a book. How cool is that?!! :) I would buy it even if I didnt know you! It's totally the type of covers I fall for. Love it!! :) HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!

Tez Miller said...

So awesome! And it's got Ann Aguirre's blurb! And YOUR NAME! (That, of course, should be your favourite part of the cover ;-) )

Thanks for sharing, and have a lovely day! :-)

P.S. How's your author website coming along? I don't mean to nag, but I want more book info! :-)

Lori said...

How exciting!!! And it's beautiful!!

And a fan-freakin-tastic quote from Ann Aguirre, too. Just awesome!

Leontine said...

Hawt Damn!! You must be syched!!! Enjoy the cover love...I know I'm lovin' it :D

Ana said...

ooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Squeeeeee! This is an awesome cover CJ! : D

Jenre said...

Hooray for you! That's an amazing cover.

Wendy said...

CONGRATS!! That's one hot cover!

Li said...

Massive congrats - it's a beautiful cover and I can't wait to read it!

Blodeuedd said...

Ohhh pretty :D
And i do like that we get to see her face

Penny Watson said...

Carolyn--this cover rocks out!!!!! So gorgeous! Congrats...can't wait to read it!!!!!

Hilcia said...

CJ! I see why you're excited! THAT is a gorgeous cover... YES!

PS: Book blurb, please... ;P

Mandi said...

Awesome!!!! I LOVE the cover!!!

Carolyn Crane said...

Thanks you guys! It is so fun to have everyone visit and share my squeeful excitement. So fun!!

Penny Watson said...

Carolyn...did you notice that your cover model sort of looks like Angelina Jolie? She is smokin'.....

Carolyn Crane said...

Penelope - yes, I did notice that. Luckily, I love Angelina.

MJB: I would be honored to ARC swap!!

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

The cover is awesome - exactly the kind of cover that catches my eye! AND a nice quote from Ann Aguirre? Can't wait to hear more about it!!

Christine said...

OH WOW!!!! Carolyn, it's PERFECT! I LOVE IT! I'm so thrilled for you. Congratulations! ^_^


p.s. Who says you have to step away and stop admiring it? Don't step away! You deserve to get lost in it. Really.

Michelle Greathouse said...


How awesome!! I can't wait to read this book. :)


Lea said...


AWESOME COVER and I will be standing in line with the pimpage....

This sounds like an awesome read CJ and I for one can't wait!!!

Congrats girl....



Rebecca @ DSB said...

One of the best new covers I've seen in a while. Makes me want to read it NOW! I can't wait. Extremely awesome CJ.

lbgregg said...

You know I love that cover.

Almost as much as I adore you.


Can you believe it??????

Jill Sorenson said...



HUGE congrats, Carolyn. It's just beautiful. Smokin hot heroine, cool outfit, wonderful background imagery. PLUS: super awesome cover quote.


Brie said...

*Does a little happy dance*

EXCELLENT cover!! I can't wait to read your novel, CJ!

woolydaisy said...

WOW!!!!!!! totally effin awesome Carolyn-you go gurl!!! the cover is fabulous-makes you want to read it- intriguing!

Anonymous said...

Um, has Miss Doreen seen this? that appears to be a KNIFE in that young lady's hand, and there is no cutting board, beet greens, or raw chicken anywhere in sight.

Seriously ... it's terrific. The cover gods have smiled upon you. Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

I can see why you can't stop staring at it. It's gorgeous.

AnimeJune said...

It's so very, very pretty! Way to go!

Kristie (J) said...

Can't say as I blame you at all for not wanting to leave the computer!! That is one mighty fine, gorgeous cover A huge High Five and an added way to go you!

Ciara said...

Wow. The cover gods have blessed you!! That is a fabulous cover. I can't wait to read the book!!! CONGRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
What a beautiful cover.
Thank you very much for sharing.
I'm looking forward to reading it.
All the best,

Renee said...

Woo hoo, Carolyn! The final cover is awesome.

Can't wait for the release festivities! :-D

Jill D. said...

Carolyn, This is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you and yes it is a great cover. March will be here before you know it! Congratulations!!

Tracy said...

WOO FREAKIN HOO!! That is so awesome. I love the cover. The cover gods are with you. Congrats! And we don't have to wait so long for the first book to come out - that's even better. :)

Sayuri said...

www big squishy hugs for you my love.

It's such a purdy cover. You must be relived and excited and proud and ...all kinds of things.

Congrats....and the Ann Aguirre quote too. Soon you'll be far to rairified to talk to the likes of me.. LOL.

CONGRATS. If anyone desrves huge kudos and good things it's you...

(I came out of lurk mode just for you...)

Stacy~ said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! No wonder you're so thrilled. Awesome cover Carolyn :)

Amy said...

Ohhh! Gorgeous cover! I'm a follower of the blog but don't usually comment. This cover could very well challenge my qualms about urban fantasy -- it's definitely on my TBB list!

sula said...

that cover is fan-freakin-tastic! it will fly off the shelves, just you wait. :)

Kaetrin said...

Wow Carolyn! What an awesome cover! Congratulations!

A Library Girl said...

Pretty cover! And... "hypochondriac"? Sounds like it could be fun. :)

Carolyn Crane said...

Gosh, you guys know how to make a girl feel special. It's so fun to have everyone stop by and see my cover! (that I didn't even draw!) and say so many nice things. Thanks so much!

RedButterfly said...

OMFG I LUV THE COVER XDDDDDDD that gold dagger (it is a dagger, right?) is soooooooo cool *I want one*. Anyway from what you said, the book looks good, cant wait to read it and congrats *GRIN*

Rosie said...

Our leetle blog world is all a-buzz about your cover. Congratulations! I'll be first in line at my bookstore on release day.

VampFanGirl said...

O-M-G its gorgeous!!!!! And is that a quote from Ann Aguirre?????



I'm so excited for you, girl. And the little tidbit you gave on it already has me anticipating its release date. I can't wait to see your new author website when you get it up and running.

Congratulations again. I hope your out celebrating!!!

(((hugs))) VFG

Taja said...

Love the cover! I'm looking forward to reading your novels. :)

You know, I didn't know you're author when I left my first comment here (I probably wouldn't have left a comment then). It took me some time to pick up on that. *g* I think it's great and I wish you all the best.


Marilyn's Roomance Reviews said...

Absolutely fab, stunning,!

Holly said...

That cover is soooo amazing. I love it.

Look at you, being all authorly and stuff with a real live cover! I'm so proud. *sniff*

Joanna Chambers said...

it's uber-cool

nath said...

Congratulations Carolyn!! Awesome cover! Can't wait to read it :D

Unknown said...


Amanda said...

Ok that is really really cool. Congratulations!!!

Kris said...

YYYAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Huge Congrats :D

Wendy said...

Saw this yesterday, starred it in my Google Reader, and holy cow now I'm late to the happy, happy squeeeeeeeee party!

Congrats on a most fantastic cover!

Bridget Locke said...

Is this the one you were telling me about (couldn't think of title?)? I'm so excited for you!!! *happy dance* One of these days it'll be me...maybe. lol


KT Grant said...

Look whose book I found on Goodreads!![query]=carolyn+crane

mslizalou said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you!!!

Christine said...

I came back to admire your cover with you some more! =)

Unknown said...

Oh, awesome cover!

And what a fine first name for an author, too.

Larissa Ione said...

Congratulations!!!! That is an AWESOME cover!!!!!

Ladytink_534 said...

Oh I'm excited for you! What a great cover!!!

Kwana said...


Big congrats!!

writtenwyrdd said...

That is indeed an awesome cover!

MrsMixx said...

Congrats!!! It's on my Must-absolutely-Read list

Chris said...

Oh, shiny! :)

Heloise said...

Awesome cover. Really. Not just saying!

Jill said...

Way cool! Congratulations! Can't wait to read it. :-)