Thursday, February 24, 2011

The mystery of the UF heroine’s missing and/or awful parents - a guest post at Stella Ex Libris!

I'm over at the fabulous  Stella Ex Libris blog
for her big blogoversary blowout, writing
about why UF heroines often lack families..&
giving away a signed book, too! 
Come say hi! 
I’m not making some big, original observation when I point out that urban fantasy heroines are often challenged in the family department. I myself killed off my heroine Justine’s mother, and her father lives in a heavily defended shack in the woods. (All the better to be prepared for that killer epidemic that's sure to come.) 

And her brother is a llama herder in Peru or something - I’d actually have to go back and check what I made him, that’s how important he is! 

Why is it so tempting for a writer to deprive an urban fantasy heroine (or hero) of a strong family? 

Image: The Mokros Family, a public domain file from wikimedia commons


Unknown said...

Thank you Carolyn for stopping by and participating in my blogoversary celebrations! :-)

orannia said...

I think Stella is on to something...UF heroines don't often have strong, solid families...

Chris said...

Do UF heroes have strong families? Is it an epidemic in the genre?!