You may have noticed changes in my birdfeeder. I have made these changes just for you! I am waiting with renewed hope.
My mother, who knows all about birdfeeders, had all kinds of ideas. Why didn’t I ask her before? But that is how daughters are, I guess.
Anyway, she said to take off the dangling strings—they will scare you away! (Not that I think you are the type to scare easily.) She said to put something bright and green around the feeder, to help you notice it, and then to scatter seeds around, which other astute readers have suggested. So as you see, I have implemented these suggestions.
Okay, enough birdfeeder weirdness. I’m sure my landlord loves the look of that rag I tied on there. Every time I go by I think it’s a parrot for a split second. I think that would be too much to hope for.
Other readers have made great suggestions, too, which I may implement soon. Aside from certain bawdy ones. You know who you are.
Thanks to my focus on the birdfeeder, I have neglected to report on the 2 books I have finished recently. M & I are taking a trip to Wisconsin for a long weekend and I hope to be able to get computer time for the following:
Midnight Awakening: 5 freaky things I want to talk about.
Happy Hour at Casa Dracula: Prize for most delightful narrator ever.
I just started Lord of Scoundrels, and I find myself smiling like an idiot every other page.
There are, of course, conflicting reports on this book. There are those of us who believe that Jess is one of the best, craftiest, smartest, most noble heroines OAL (of all time) and those few who have called us 13 year old masochists for loving Dain and supporting Jessica. PPPFFTTT.
no pressure. happy reading.
How about a special plant in your birdfeed? heh heh
DAIN & JESSICA!! I love when Jess gets that gun and gives it to Dain really good!
Dangling strings? I missed those. But green may help you attract ecologically concerned birds. If you want emo birds, hang black cloth. heh. The peanut butter was a good idea. Good luck!
OMG. I cant wait for you to review LOS! I love. that. book.
KB: Wait, I just STARTED LOS, so don't tell me anything. Are you kidding about the gun? But wait, Don't tell me!
LB: It's possible I heard about this book on your site. I was trying to remember where I picked up the rec.
Kim: LOL! or maybe a leather rag!
LB and KB- How did you get here so fast??? WHen I started my comment there were no other comments! Tricky bloggers.
CJ- Three words. Dains. Mental. Dictionary. I love that scene.
Kim, I think they have this google thing that I sort of don't understand. I wish somebody would explain it, but it feeds new entries right to you. I tried to set it up once, but I am sort of dense on technology, so I gave up.
CJ: Jessica is really a man!! Sorry spoiled the ending.
Well, KB, that would explain why everybody always talks about that book.
Kim...I happened to check google reader (i just had my nails done. I never do that. It's for vaca and I can't possibly DO anything while they dry. did u know it takes 6 hours for nail polish to set? I did not know that). And CJ...the first time I came to your blog was right after my LOS review went up. I have a creepy memory.
LB~ currently watching paint dry.
Yeah, I sort of remember that post, but I didn't remember that it was our first time!
We actually sort of started our blogs at the same time.
Well I bought LOS but have a sick need to read others first maybe I should switch Katie and Lisabea are making it sound good on an interesting note...
Sarai: LOS is a wonderful, funny, sexy and emotional read. In my top 20 romances of all time.
That Loretta Chase is author we all should read.
Dude, I can't wait to hear how you liked Lord of Scoundrels...LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT BOOK!
I don't want to be the voice of doom here, but I think your scary pet parrot is going to frighten the little birds away....
Maybe you should get a little fake bird to put inside the cage.
Sarai: I think you are buried in books! But I'm surprised at what passion this one inspires. I'm almost afraid to review it!
KB & Rowena: So far, I am so loving it. I sort of want to savor it.
Josh: I actually smushed the rag up a little so that it doesn't look like a parrot. Because I did become worried about that.
So, naturally, I agree with you. Also a sign that says "All U Can Eat" would help, but that's so Emma Holly.
When did you say that?
I believe I mentioned a cake and a file.
So,CeeeJayyy, are you in on the book writin?
Oh. I was replying to Josh's excellent suggestion. CJ our comments crossed in the intertubes again.
Or maybe you knew that.
So, uh, have a great time this weekend!
LOS is one of my favorite books.EVER. Can't wait for your review!
Oh yes, savor LOS. It is like the chocolate cake of romances. Such yummy goodness!
Ooooooooh! Dain and Jessica. My favourite scene is the one where she reads him Byron - Don Juan isn't it? - OH - and the scene at the ball in the garden - and OBVIOUSLY the gun bit - and when she gives him the 'good wife' treatment - and - and - and -
....and there is a reason this was number one in the AAR poll.
Oh no, to my consternation .......
I echo the OOOOOoooohhhhhs! I love LOS, which is strange because I have literally never read another Chase book that I've liked.
But, yeah Jessica Trent? One of my all time favorite heroines. Enjoy!
No. No. I am on team Dain! He makes me laugh, he makes me cry...I want to give him a hug. After you read LOS you should read The Last Hellion. It is sort of its sequel. It has a cool dog in it. Love that dog.
Speaking of books that I am in LOVE with thanks to you is: Fatal Shadows by none other Josh Lanyon. LOVING IT!!! OMG, OMG, OMG I hate you for suggesting yet another series. Now I have to buy the next two damn you!
Dearest LOS Lovers: Wow, you guys are making me so excited, and I didn't realize there were sides to pick. How interesting! I've hardly had time to get much read, but I plan to SAVOR! I understand now that I will never get this precious first read ever again!
Sarai: Well, you can thank LB. I've never read Fatal Shadows, as you know I started with HELL, but I just got Fatal Shadows this week.
So good. Damn, I like that Adrien. B.F.F.
(and judicious misuse of sunscreen.) But, that's not until book II.
I have been pondering your bird feeder crisis. I have the perfect solution. You need to buy them a drink. You know, get them to relax a little. You can offer tequila for the south of the border birds. A nice Merlot for the preppy snobby birds. Macallan for the Highland Laird birds. Grey Goose for the birds of the Bhrotherhood. Some White Lightening for the redneck birds...maybe some banjo music. Just a thought.
Don't act like you haven't though about those bawdy suggestion - they're great!
Oooh, what 5 freaky things about MA? I'm looking forward to that!
I haven't read LOS (no brick-throwing!) but I'm intrigued now.
LB: My goodness, I have been hearing a lot about that sunscreen!
Kim: LOL I think that would be a sure way to get those poor birds totally stuck in the cage!
Wendy: Finally the one other person who hasn't read LOS!
Oh. I was replying to Josh's excellent suggestion. CJ our comments crossed in the intertubes again.
I didn't remember you said that! Hey, but it IS a great idea. I'm voting for the little fake stuffed birdie in the cage. Come on, CJ, you gotta do something. It's going to be spring at this rate. The birds will be feeding THEMSELVES, for chrissake!
Speaking of books that I am in LOVE with thanks to you is: Fatal Shadows by none other Josh Lanyon. LOVING IT!!! OMG, OMG, OMG I hate you for suggesting yet another series. Now I have to buy the next two damn you!
Well, how nice to hear is that? Thank you, Sarai. And to think I only came over to see CJ leap through the next hoop those crafty little birds set up for her.
Josh: No way, I won't settle for a stuffed birdie, I am holding out for the real thing.
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