Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My new trailer!

Okay, my book trailer is finally finished! Well! This was like a fun art project where my OCD perfectionist editor ran wild! Quick watch it before I take it down and make a completely different one. (I'm just kidding. I won't do that. I have other things to do. Like write books!)


Some very nice twitter pals totally volunteered to be my beta watchers, back when this thing was even longer and had slow, porny music. And other problems, not that it doesn't now, but it's not the fault of: Joe Alfano (Zombie Joe), Renee Vincent, Closetreader Lea (Toriaimeegirl), Katiebabs, LB Gregg, MagdelenB, Melissa (MelLHay), Jo Evans (girljo) and Debs (debsholloway)! Thanks for beta-watching and giving feedback you guys!!


KT Grant said...

*Dying for Double Cross*

I do miss the bow chica bow wow music though.

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

That was great! I can't wait for Double Cross!

Unknown said...

Just love it. I've posted it on my blog. Can't wait for Double Cross' release!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Think you could put up chapter one along with the trailer? :D

Carolyn Crane said...


Buckeye: Thanks!!

Sherri - hey, thanks for posting! I don't even know your blog, but I do now. Much appreciated!

Anon: Chapter one is coming out next week!!

Leslie said...

Hey - great job! Although you've got me curious about the porny music. LOL

Joanna Chambers said...

Oh, me likey!

Blodeuedd said...

Kind of feel that the porny music is still there....or maybe I just make everything from teh 70s to be porn ;)

Sullivan McPig said...

I love the cover and title for book three ;-)

AngelGoneMad said...

Haha that video was funky and cool!

I have a question though - why is Justine always holding a blade/knife on the covers? I ask because I have never read about it in Mind Games.

Naomi aka Supernatural Bookworm

Smash Attack Ash said...

Don't take it down, it's fantastic! :)

Kwana said...

I love it! So much fun. Don't change a thing.

Carolyn Crane said...

Leslie: It was slower, more electronica. I liked it, but it made the video more sleepy.

T: Thanks!

BLD: Yes, this does still feel porny to me too. Yay!

Sully: Thanks! LOL

Naomi: I know! Authors don't control these covers, and I think the knife has become a symbol for the genre in a way. Just a way for publishers to get across the idea of the "product". But right, Justine doesn't wield a knife! Except one time, briefly.

Smash: Thanks!!

Hilcia said...

Oh I love it! Love Book 3 with the Cover and the "Kick Ass" Title! LOL!

Christine said...

I LOVE it, CArolyn!

So ... so.... Mod Squad!

omg I haven't thought of that show in ages. Must have been the music and walking the street scenes that sent me there.

Like Hils, I cracked up out loud at the 1:49 mark when I saw Book 3 Kick Ass Title ... and it's art work.

Don't change a thing!

Christine said...

its* not it's

Grrr! I know you're all forgiving about typos like that, but that one drives me extra nutso.

LSUReader said...

Great! Can't wait for Double Cross and Kickass Title!

Jill Sorenson said...

You crack me up SO HARD. That music is still porny, by the way. Love it. Love the quotes at the end (violent u-turn? FAB) and the CJ drawing of book 3.


Chris said...

Love it!! *waits for CJ to recover from my actually watching it*

I'm especially fond of the cover & title for book 3. :)

Carolyn Crane said...

LOL, thanks you guys! Yes, I can't wait to see what that title will be either. I have ideas, but we'll see.

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Great ending product here! I really like how it relates to the city so well. And the blinking man at the chess game, My favorite part. Blinking, like he just got zinged by Justine, and Chess game - so symbolic.

Thanks for the shout out too. :) Glad could help you out even a little.

Looking forward to Double Cross. I know who I would like to bet on...

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Love it! A bit different from other book trailers out there now and absolutely perfect!!!

I'd buy book 3 just based on that kick-ass cover :)

Rebecca @ DSB said...

OMG, don't you dare take that down, because it rocks! I'm putting that in this Friday's book news post. Woohoo!