The Third Gilmore Girl by Kelly Bishop
Kelly Bishop has had a long and satisfying career, from her early days of
Ballet and Dance shows to the transition to Movies and Television Series.
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2 hours ago
Gerry for Jamie, Katie for Clare. I know they are older than the characters in the book, but I think they would be perfect!
I love Kate Winslet for Clare. What an inspired choice! Sexy, no nonsense, smart, funny, perfect!
To be honest, I have never come across an actor I thought would be perfect for Jamie.
I think it was on the Phade that KMont posted a picture of Halle Berry's lover, Bariel Aubry, with red hair, and I guess Diana Gabaldon has a photoshopped Aubry on her website. He would be my choice for the young Jamie.
oops -- Gabriel Aubry!
kb: even though Gerry is older? What about RC??
Jessica: Hey, thanks. I'm posting it!!
But Gerry looks good in a kilt and has a sexy accent.
Kevin for Jamie, Kate for Clare.
I can't stand Keira Knightley. Yuck.
KB: I've never seen Gerry in a kilt. Do you know of any photos like that?
JenB: We can make Kiera be Laoghaire.
Great idea, CJ!
I'd LOVE to help you out, BUT I haven't read the book. LOL Does leaving a comment (with a healthy dose of good intention) count as "helping"? LOL
I just thank my stars that Gabaldon is a writer and not a graphic designer.
Totally, I almost want to take that thing into photoshop myself.
Jace: Yes, you comment counts! for moral support!
Ooh Seth Green is a hotty but nope, not Jaime material. Hmm... I'd suggest Max Martini except for the fact that he's a little rough around the edges... um, I guess I'll just leave that up to whomever...
Thanks Ladytink. We'll get him in there!
I love Seth Green, but I think the character of Jamie calls for someone more physically imposing. Based on the photos, Gabriel Aubry would do it for me. Too bad Liam Neeson is too grizzled. I love that craggy look.
Liam would be great. Do you think he's too grizzled? Heck, I'll put him up!
Oh my gosh...Gerard!!!! *faint*
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