Me so emo
Happy Friday everybody! Phew, I am sort of on an emotional wind-down from my release. Yesterday I felt sort of blue - I think that happens after a time of emotional intensity, like a release, and all this stress and emotional angst gets built up.
So I was sitting in my office with this giant to-do list yesterday, all glum, feeling like I was running in place, really really fast, but getting NOWHERE. Have you ever felt like that? Anyway, my husband talked me into going to the beach. I had some stuff I could work on at the beach, pen and paper stuff, and that made me feel better. That, plus a meal of take-out burritos. Seriously, I could eat Baja burritos every day of the week.
Today I have a few freelance day job projects, and I am also working on a post for Tynga's fun "When I'm not writing" series where a writer talks about something about her life having nothing to do with books. I was thinking about talking about running, how I like to run around the city lake every day and all the stuff I see, but I might actually talk about my struggles with being a total slob and how I am trying to change. That feels more honest, but of course, it makes me look like a worse person than the running thing! LOL. Especially if I take pictures, which I'm sure I will.
Current books in rotation: Vicki Pettersson & Judith Ivory. What is everybody else reading this weekend? Doing anything fun?
I can't wait to see what you come up with Carolyn ^^
I am currently reading Knight Angels: book of Revenge by Abra Ebner
Your husband sounds like a wise man! :)
I am planting 10,000 daffodil bulbs this weekend. (Okay, maybe not 10,000, but there's a ton of them. Hopefully the freakin' chipmunks won't eat all of them).
You're just coming down from your high of the Double Cross release.
Beach seems to be the cure all!
I think the emo thing is normal. I've often felt down or adrift after finishing a book, too. This whole biz can be very anti-climactic and just totally lacking in the type of instant gratification we find in...burritos.
It's good that the weather's not cooperating with feeling blue. :)
Sorry to hear you're feeling a little blue. I guess it's like you're really looking forward to something, and after it happens there is a gap... *hugs*
I'm currently reading Whisper of Sin (Nalini Singh).
Well, I know its Monday, but I did the NY Comic Con on Saturday. And I was working on this book called Double Cross. Have you ever heard of it? It is a great read. ;) Hope you have a great time at the beach. And hope a little down time will help you feel better. :)
I just finished Mind Games the day before yesterday and started Double Cross yesterday - can't wait to make time to read it all!
Thanks so much, you guys, for stopping by on this post! It's fun to see what you're reading and see your friendly faces! And avatar faces.
Hey, Melissa and Tiffany! Hope you're enjoying DC! Thanks!
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