1. Exploring new blogs
I've really been appreciating the community building aspects of blogger appreciation. Here two new-to-me blogs I'm pleased to have discovered:
Literary Escapism This is a really well put together blog with thoughtful interviews and lots of cool features. I especially like Jaxon's amazingly robust list of author websites. Wow! And check out her upcoming releases. I see a lot of my blogging friends already know this one.
Damn Heart I have really been enjoying the attitude of the blog (like this entry on Pirate King) as well as other engaging posts. And I like her taste in books! It's written by a Scottish woman named Sayuri.
2. Holding a contest
Okay, this is a contest with a customized-to-you book prize.
TO QUALIFY: You find a new-to-me book blog you think I'd like, from My Friend Amy's list or anyplace else and provide the link in the comments.
1. It can't be random; the reading tastes have to relate somewhat to mine to qualify. I will randomly choose from the qualified entrants!
2. If it's on my list (at left) already, it's not new to me. I've temporarily alphabetized the list just for this contest.
PRIZE: You tell me your tastes or blog url and I'll provide you with a list of books from my gigantic personal collection that I think you should try next, and you will pick one and I'll send you that book. If I'm in a certain mood, I may send you more than one!
DEADLINE: Saturday September 20th!
UPDATE: All entries qualified. Randomly generated winner: Lady Tink!
I just started reading your blog, so I hope my recommendations are on target:
These are three of the ones that I love and read on a regular basis that I think you would enjoy!
I didn't see these on your list on the left, so I assume that they are new to you.
It's been great getting to know you through your blog.
Hey, thanks, Serena. I'll check these out. It's been great getting to know you through your blog, too!
Oh I've got a blog you might like! It's called Living Read Girl and she posts about a variety of topics. Her current post is about the villians of Heroes but she also blogs about books too. Her most recent post about that is The Heretic's Daughter. Very cool blog!
Hey LT: new avatar. Nice. That's a fun blog, too! Thanks.
LOL! This is really bad, but I'm going to pimp my review blog (since I don't see it on your sideline). It's goodandbadbooks.blogspot.com.
I read everything romance, it seems. :)
I think you would enjoy Nalini Singh's blog:
I find this one funny. They don't do book reviews, but its book related.
Bridget - Crap! I can't believe I don't have your book blog in the list. I have your personal blog only. Okay, you're in the contest.
Aymless: Great ideas. I visited that judgeabook and it's hilarious,
I love that picture!!! Sayuri does do great blogs, but thank you for introducing Literary Escapism. Hehehehe
Drat, I would have nominated Literary Escapism in this contest. It's new to me and I visit there a lot now that I've found it.
Instead I'll go with A Book Lover I'm a fan of Alice's reviews.
hi cj, fun contest!
hmmmm...have you been to the sleepy readers blog?
I just found her this past week, and she got a great blog.
Great new blogs, you guys! Okay, I'm going to pick a winner later today!
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