Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 things I'll be doing at AAD

Hey friends! I'm over at the fabulous Book Faery talking about a convention I actually AM going to: Authors After Dark in New Orleans!!

I was there last year (super fun!) and this post is part about what I'll do differently, and part about what I'm looking forward to!

Drop by and say hi!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My own damn RT pictures

I know I've been griping and bellyaching about not being able to go to the RT Booklovers convention...well, please ignore all that. I was just being a drama queen. Because actually...I DID get to go after all!

Actually, I'm there right now! OMG, I am having so much fun!

I am so glad I am there, because it is the most awesome convention. I just wanted to share these photos of me having a great time there with all you  losers unlucky people who didn't get to go.

Stephanie Meyer, JR Ward, Carolyn Crane and Anne Rice on a panel at RT.
The most important part of the convention is for fans to meet us famous authors and hear what we have to say about books and things. Above, I am at at panel with other famous authors. The audience asked us tons of questions, and then the four of us authors went out for drinks, and then we went back to Stephanie's hotel room and threw our bras out the window and trashed the place! It was SO awesome! Anne Rice is incredible at doing the Irish jig, and JR Ward brought a pogo stick and sleigh bells.

 They have this jail there where they put all the rowdy girls. As you can see, Nicole Peeler and I are stuck in there. In this shot, I'm whispering to Nicole of a plan to get out and drink some booze and smash some stuff in her hotel room. Nicole is amazing. Doesn't she look great in that hat? I told her so. That is something that author friends do at conventions. 

Here I am with EC editor Grace Bradley and the awesome Jeffe Kennedy. Check it out! We all put pigtails in our hair. Well, they put pigtails, and I have braids. When we were in the hotel room doing our hair together, I was like, 'girlfriends! It's okay if our hairstyles are slightly different, because check out how great we look together, and we are having so much fun here at RT!' and they totally agreed. Please note that Jeffe and I are doing a head bump, which signifies to to other convention-goers that we are author friends.   

I suspect that it is very easy for people stuck at home to think that us authors, readers, publishers and bloggers are forming rich and wonderful lifelong bonds at RT over drinks. And the poor authors at home, I bet their imaginations are running wild, thinking that their fellow authors are all sitting together in the bar letting each other in on valuable secrets that will help each other not make terrible blunders but rather take advantage of the changing publishing landscape. And also, promo secrets. I'm here to say that if you were actually attending RT (like I am) you would realize that this is totally true! 

Uh, waiting in a line to get some swag. That's one thing I hate about conventions, all the lines we convention goers have to wait in. But, it's definitely better than sitting at home and pathetically wishing you were there, or fantasizing that you are, or pretending that you are when you really aren't. That would be just SAD! 

OMG, I'm in jail again! This time, with my galpals Jaye Wells and Suzanne McLeod, who is from the UK. The three of us had SUCH a hilarious time in the jail. Later, we sat on the floor and told each other author secrets that no other authors know. I find that, at conventions, it is the times like these that are priceless. 

I will try to post more pictures, but I might not, because it is really such a whirlwind experience, and the big signing will be held later today. I hope everybody back home is having a good time. Keep your chins up, people, there's always next year! 

Pets of Christmas past
What a packed busy day! Not only am I at RT and blogging about it, but I'm also over at Word Whores today, blogging about pets of Christmas past! Come say hi! 

**Thanks to Jeffe Kennedy, Nicole Peeler (and probably Jaye Wells and others) for the RT pictures! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fun and fabulousness at Simply Ali's Birthday Bash!

Ali's Birthday bash is where it's at!
I love when people do things up in a big, splashy way.

One fun example: all-around lovely Ali, who is having quite the birthday bash! Over 30 days she is interviewing 30 authors who are going to AAD as part of a blowout spotlight event, and giving away a KINDLE FIRE and one registration to the Authors After Dark conference.

Whew! Anyway, today I'm over there. We're chatting on a big, fun batch of topics and giving away a copy of Devil's Luck!

It's all happening at Simply Ali's! Come say hi!