I'm back from California where I visited my childhood friend and my in-laws (see post below). What few of you know is that I was also at RWA...
in spirit!!
Here I am having a wonderful time at this get-together with many of my online pals. Oh, everybody was so charming and delightful! I wished I could join in with the conversation. Oh well. Instead I just admired how clever and beautiful they all were. Don't worry, Kristie J, you were never in any real danger of having your head bitten off.

Katie and Kati! Can you hear me? It's me, Carolyn! Oh, I so wanted to come to RWA and meet you guys!

I loved the hotel lobby. It was so grand! I felt like a princess. I understand the coffee was no good. Not my problem.

Uh! LisaBea! I couldn't even believe she met Janet Evanovich! I was SOOOOO jealous! And look how lovely they are.
Okay, enough of the freakiness now. Hey, don't forget to enter
Barbara's contest for a mind-boggling 35 books she got at RWA!!! A few of my faves in there. And note that
Book Smugglers is having a blowout YA month. Also, I read several books on vacation. Usually I only report on the ones I REALLY REALLY like, and for sure I want to talk about Diana Rowland's
Mark of the Demon! It was so fun to read, I just tore through it. I will talk about it soon.
omg. I love you.
marry me.
Carolyn, you absolutely slay me.
Send me pics from the wedding to lbgregg.
We shall get married in the spring time.
Simone: Thanks! And just for your sweet comment, you can be best woman.
CJ for the Win!
I knew I heard whispering while we were in that Lobby Bar. I just thought it was the Bourbon and Diet playing with my brain.
And frankly I thought that Katie was just passing gas in the photo of the two of us. That's why my smile looks so weird. Yeah. That's my story about why I don't photograph well. Kate's flatulence.
Kati-That explains a lot, frankly. It certainly explains why my hair is so flat in all those pictures--because normally my hair has impressive volume.
What the hell is on your head? Is that a feather in your cap?
Kati: Snort! No, it was me the whole time. LOL. You must blame none of the mad things you all did or the spilled drinks on the bourbon and diet or KB. None! My spirit takes full responsibility.
LBG: Impressive volume. You need a PALM TREE behind your head. LOL.
CJ, have my children please.
Kati: Your hand was a bit low for my tastes. You were trying to grab my ass in a way that would turn me on.
And the coffee did suck big monkey balls. I bet monkey jizz tastes better than the Marriott coffee.
LMAO!!!!! You crack me up!
BTW, thanks for the mention about the giveaway. In all seriousness, I have no room, lol. My dining room table is stacked high at the moment.
At least no one else was served a bread end for two damn dollars.
Otherwise EVERYTHING was fine. I enjoyed the Kati on Katie action from afar.
Barbara you rock.
ROFL... that's kind of a creepy picture though...!
Kate - I was trying to cover the sound for you. Never say I'm not a giver. I was trying to save YOU embarrassment.
Sheesh. Some people are SO unappreciative.
IDK what made me laugh louder: CJ's post or all the comments.
LB and CJ, please let me be your love child. Heck, in the spirit of an f/f/f menage, I'll be the love child of you two and Katiebabs!
Awesome post.
OMG. So damned creepy. You're cracked.
(I love that about you.)
As for the rest of you, y'all are a bunch of freaks. ;)
I laughed so hard over the photos and the comments that I almost...never mind. Way TMI :)
The photos from the wedding will cause a riot if you're not careful!
You are too funny!!!!!!!!
You are brilliant CJ...
LMAO! Can't wait to actually meet you in person someday!
I won't beg you to have my children (because frankly the thought of ME reproducing is scary). But won't you PLEASE adopt me!!! I'll be good and I come with my own library!
I love it! I like how your mind thinks.
My cheeks hurt from grinning.
KB: I would love to have your children as long as Monkey Jizz isn't involved. And LBGregg must approve!!
Barbara: I think your giveaway breaks a record!!
Kati: What a generous friend to cover the sound like that! LOL
Renee: Oh, funny. Okay, you are officially adopted.
JenB: You are astute! I was worried about the creepiness factor.
Orannia: The photos! LOL Yes, I will use my same laugh face.
Rach:Thanks, bud!
Lea: Thanks! In a silly mood.
Aymless: You are our new child. Okay, we are getting like one of those movie star families. I wonder if RWA has a family membership!
Donna: oh no! LOL. I hope your cheeks recover. Keep them away from Kati.
I want to be yours and LB's love child!!
Aha that's why a head is hanging around there in the corners looking in on the action ,lol.
But I would sure be green with envy too
oh my god, I laughed so hard at this.
You will have to go to RWA10! I can;t wait to see what kind of photo show you would come up with!
ROFLMAO, CJ! The green 'spirit' was the best!
(still laughing)
Now I won't be able to look at RWA pictures and NOT think of you floating around... (laughing)
ROTFL - I see by the last picture you're pretty green with envy. And I'm glad that my head is safe :)
And come to think of it - I did feel a strange presence hanging over us all week - now I know why!!
Envious Green is a good color on you. No, really. ;)
You are so frighteningly hilarious. I want to see Little CJ lurking at those parties! Unleashing her creepiness on everyone!! Hee hee. Uh-oh, I'm getting passive agressive. I was so sad about not being there.
Let's go next year. I will be your roomie.
You. Are. A. Crack. Up.
LOLOL. You are too funny.
the green one is sheer brilliance.
KB: Okay. We'll name you li'l babs.
Blodeuedd: LOL! who wouldn't be green!
Jess: Thanks! Well, I will be in RWA10 in the flesh. But perhaps in spirit too!
Hil: LOL. I'm in every RWA picture, but invisible.
KJ: snort. I was that eerie presence!
Chris: I am green looking at all the pics!
Jill: LOL thanks. I will be everybody's roomie.
Kwana & Ana: Oh, thanks you guys!
ROFL. You have that one look DOWN! :D
I wish I got to go to RWA too. Sniff.
Janet Evanovich! Darn...now, I'm jealous.
Janicu: Yes, that is my look for RWA! LOL
Serena:I know! Janet!!!!
You are one of the funniest, craziest girls I know and I lubs ya! lol Too funny.
It's always a wonderful start to my day when I come here first thing in the morning!
You're insane... in a very lovable way. ^_^
oh wow! it looks like you had a great time!
Janet Evanovich! OMG!
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