Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Saturday giveaway of recent releases on my radar...

I haven't done one of these for a while, and some very exciting books have been popping up, written by pals, cohorts, and a few authors I'm plain old fangirlish on. Hooray for a bounty of books! 

Hounded by Kevin Hearne
This new release by fellow leaguer Kevin Hearne has been getting total rave reviews for awesomeness and hilarity...and I understand that Little CJ is hoping to get an interview with him soon.  

The blurb: 
Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old—when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Not to mention: He draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword known as Fragarach, the Answerer.

Unfortunately, a very angry Celtic god wants that sword, and he’s hounded Atticus for centuries. Now the determined deity has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power—plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, his vampire and werewolf team of attorneys, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good old-fashioned luck of the Irish—to kick some Celtic arse and deliver himself from evil.

The Cold Kiss of Death by Suzanne McLeod (Spellcrackers #2)

I recently started the first Spellcrackers book, The Sweet Scent of Blood, and I'm really into it. I love the main character, as well as McLeod's awesomely inventive version of a London that contains trolls, goblins, fae and more. I have to say also, McLeod really knows how to interestingly raise the stakes! Oh, I totally didn't mean that as a pun. 


The blurb: When sidhe-blooded Genny Taylor's friend is murdered and all evidence points to her, she goes on the run. But she's being pursued by some of the most powerful supernaturals in town-and one of them is most certainly the killer.

Three to Tango by Emma Holly, Lauren Dane, Megan Hart and Bethany Kane
I have been very interested in checking this one out, all the more so since Susi and Lea over at Book Lovers Inc. called it one of the best anthologies they've ever read. Yee ha!

The blurb: Four of erotic fiction's most talented authors carry readers away with all-new tales of ecstasy that prove that the most delectable things in life come in threes...

In Emma Holly's FLIPPING FOR CHELSEA, Shay and Liam shared an unforgettable night with their lifelong friend, Chelsea, awakening a rush of forbidden feelings--feelings they have to reckon with when the three reunite, and the unrequited lust between them is too much to bear.

Though Ava left her hard-knock Georgia childhood behind, she never forgot Luca and Angelo. Together they were best friends with a bond that could never be broken. But when she returns, the three must decide whether to face the fires that burn between them, or forgo their desires forever in Lauren Dane's DIRTY/BAD/WRONG.

In Megan Hart's JUST ONE NIGHT, fun-loving couple Kerry and Jeremy find themselves in a triangle of trouble when Kerry's old crush, Brian, returns for a school reunion, and Jeremy gives her his enthusiastic approval to seduce him. But while Jeremy has no trouble sharing Kerry, Brian isn't sure he can handle what's coming.

Years ago, Walker walked out on Madeline when she needed him most. Now, the ex-Secret Service agent is back--hired to protect Madeline by her billionaire boss, Tony. Madeline is determined to make him pay for denying her desires--and she's not above bringing Tony in to sweeten the deal in Bethany Kane's ON THE JOB.

Master and Apprentice by Sonya Bateman (Gavyn Donatti #2)
The Djinn series by fellow leaguer Sonya, who is also my agent mate! I just got the first book in this series. I feel certain that if my agent embraced this series, I will too. Also, I'm really in the mood to read about Djinn!

Luck has never been on Gavyn Donatti’s side. Anyone else with magic abilities inherited from a distant genie relative would have it made, but not Donatti, descendant of a cranky, shape-shifting genie named Ian. The prince of a murdered kingdom, consumed with revenge and driven by an unbreakable curse, Ian is determined to hunt down and destroy every last one of his enemies in the power-hungry snake clan—at any cost, including his life. Or Donatti’s.

Obsessed by his own rage, Ian has never really taught Donatti how to use his abilities. So when a powerful cult of magic-users captures Ian’s wife, the princess Akila, and then Ian himself, Donatti is left alone to take on dozens of half-djinn and their mysterious leader with designs on world domination.
Facing an impossible mission, Donatti is forced to turn to an enemy for help—one who claims to know how to unlock his true potential. Trusting a snake might be the last mistake Donatti ever makes—but if he doesn’t learn to wield the power inside him, everyone will pay the ultimate price.

Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between by J.A. Saare
I gladly, lavishly, happily give in to peer pressure at all times! Which is why I've got this long-awaited re-up of the big wild favorite of a lot of my online pals on top of my TBR pile. I have been wondering from afar what makes people so crazy about this hero, and soon I will find out. I am in the mood to be crazy about a hero.   

The blurb: One bad corpse can ruin your whole day.
No one knows that better than Rhiannon Murphy. She’s left behind the flash and sass of Miami for the no-nonsense groove of New York City, eager for a clean slate and a fresh start. A bartender by trade, a loud mouth by choice, and a necromancer by chance, she’s managed to keep her nifty talent hidden from those around her--until now.

The deliciously good-looking vampire Disco knows her secret, and when he strolls into her bar to solicit help investigating the mysterious disappearances of his kind from the city, she discovers he’s not the kind of person that appreciates the significance of the word no. But in a world where vampires peddle their blood as the latest and greatest drug of choice, it’s only a matter of time before the next big thing hits the market. Someone or something is killing vampires to steal their hearts, and unlike Rhiannon, this isn’t their first stroll around the undead block.
Shady Lady by Ann Aguirre (Corine Solomon #3)
I'm heavy into this series, and I've been reading that people are considering this one the best of the bunch. I love when a series just ramps like crazy.  

The blurb: Whenever Corine Solomon touches an object, she immediately knows its history. But her own future concerns her more and more. Now back in Mexico, she's running her pawnshop and trying to get a handle on her strange new powers, for she might need them. And soon.

Then former ally Kel Ferguson walks through her door. Heavily muscled and tattooed, Kel looks like a convict but calls himself a holy warrior. This time, he carries a warning for Corine: the Montoya cartel is coming for her--but they don't just pack automatic weapons. The Montoyas use warlocks, shamans, voodoo priests--anything to terminate trouble. And Corine has become enemy number one...

Sleeping with the Frenemy by KT Grant!
KT! My galpal KT, one of the loveliest and now most prolific
authors I know. Okay, like so many above, I haven't read yet this...but who can resist a good starting-a-new-secret-life F-F romance?  

The blurb: Deborah Murnay has a life most women would die for. She has a loving wife of four years who gives her anything she wants. But, Deborah hides a dark secret. Her wife Genevieve not only enjoys kinky, dangerous sex, but is insanely jealous and possessive. When a violent argument between the two leaves Deborah bruised and battered, she has no other choice but to run away.

Through some intricate planning on Deborah’s part, she’s able to trick Genevieve into thinking she’s dead. Deborah becomes Sharon Wade and ends up hundreds of miles away in the small town of Woodberry Creek where she can start over again, even though she lives in fear that Genevieve will find her and kill her.

When grade school teacher Bridgette Woodberry notices her new neighbor, she quickly figures out Woodberry Creek’s new resident is hiding something. Deborah knows she can’t have a future with Bridgette, but finds herself attractive to the kindhearted redhead whose kisses and warm embrace makes her feel protected.

Dreams of a Dark Warrior by Kresley Cole (Immortals After Dark #10)

My favorite ever series...and look, another book in it! What can I say but sigh. Gasp. Sigh sigh sigh. Actually, maybe I'm a bad fan since I haven't even started it yet. But I think about it a lot.


Murdered before he could wed Regin the Radiant, warlord Aidan the Fierce seeks his beloved through eternity, reborn again and again into new identities, yet with no memory of his past lives.

When Regin encounters Declan Chase, a brutal Celtic soldier, she recognizes her proud warlord reincarnated. But Declan takes her captive, intending retribution against all immortals—unaware that he belongs to their world.

Yet every reincarnation comes with a price, for Aidan is doomed to die when he remembers his past. To save herself from Declan’s torments, will Regin rekindle memories of the passion they once shared—even if it means once again losing the only man she could ever love?

Giveaway time! 
Okay, you can win one of these books! (Or the first book from one of these series, if you haven't started the series yet). Directions:

1. Leave a comment, any comment - you can talk about any or all of the books, or you can talk about your cat or whatever you want! Your comment doesn't have to say what book you'll choose.

2. You have to leave your comment here on the blog - if you are seeing this on Goodreads or Facebook, come over, cover over, Red Rover!

3. Make sure your email is in the comment, or else that I can find it by clicking on your name.

4. Live somewhere in the world where book depository ships.

I will choose a winner next Saturday (May 14th) when I sit down with my tea and oats. I will email that person and ask what book they want. Hey, Happy Saturday everyone! 


Christa said...

Wow! How generous. : )
My cat likes plastic bags & old boxes... she gets presents when I go shopping! lol.
: )
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
ambience.of.rain {at}

Brenda Hyde said...

SO many good books out. It's killing my budget! Hounded looks mighty awesome:) I LOVED Dead, Undead and Somewhere Inbetween, so was Dreams of a Dark Warrior.

Tez Miller said...

I would so love THREE TO TANGO or SHADY LADY :-)

You want us to talk about our cats? Manny's sleeping on the couch right now, in the spot I just vacated. Mooching warmth.

Are you and Oblio getting photographic to prepare for Genre Cats? ;-)

Lil said...

I love settling in for a good long reading session with a pot of tea by my side. The only thing I miss is having a cat to curl up beside me or on my lap as I delve into a book. Sadly, my daughter is allergic to cats.

little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Weee, these are awsome books and two of them are on my must-read list :) And now I will probably out Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between by J.A. Saare on my list, too :) So thank you for the post and the giveaway!

latishajean said...

Alot of great books and so many good ones coming out this year! Thank you so much for the great giveaway and for the chance!

evening-green said...

How nice of you to share one of these great new releases. This month is quite busy regarding releases and I've only (pre-)ordered one new release so far and try to distract myself from all the others by reading what I've recently gotten at the library - instead of buying tons of new books and returning the borrowed ones unread because of it.
So thanks for the chance to win^^

eveningreen (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Aw, thank you so much for this giveaway! :) Well, I just want to say that I love Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series, my favourite being Cade's book ... *SQUEE* ... I heart Cade! :D There was another one that I absolutely adored, but I can't even remember who it's about, so I guess I didn't like it as much as I thought, lol. Otherwise, I've heard a lot of good things about Ann Aguirre and have pre-ordered Enclave. *exciting stuff*

B.E. Sanderson said...

I picked up Sonya's latest with my last Amazon order, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. Cannot wait. And now, thanks to this post, I have a bunch more books to add to my "must have" list. Drat.

mariska said...

The only book that I already have is by Suzanne mcleod, and still I have tons to add to my tbr piles. Thank you for the chance :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

IAD!! What a series. Can't wait for Lothaire's book......and Nix's....and I could go on all day. I haven't had a chance to read Sonya Bateman's series but it sounds good.


Tori said...

I want Hounded so bad.I have heard so many good things about it. I also want your last one. I know your not giving it away but I thought I'd just toss that one out. :)

My cat is to uppity to play with plastic bags, but my dog will dance ard you and sing (howls) when you come in with some. He always thinks
you have treats in there for him. LOL

smexysidekick AT gmail DOT com

KT Grant said...



Ren said...

Such a great giveaway! Thanks Carolyn!

Talk about cat, I don't have a cat, since my mother hate cat but I love to petted them (and my twitter profil pic is cat, reading a book)

Talk about book, there 2 books that I desperately to read. One is Breaking Point by Pamela Clare (just found that I win her books yesterday, can't wait!) and Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison... Weird, I want to read Hounded too, since this book screaming "Read Me!!" to me *lol*

Have a great weekend!

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Blodeuedd said...

Ohhh such awesome books! But I do know which one I would want ;)

Ok my cat, miss her, she hasn't been in when I have visited my parents lately :(

And Suzanne Mcleod's books rocks! The third, omg

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

Terri said...

Loved Shady Lady. And Dreams of a Dark Warrior rocked my socks off. Now I need a pedicure.

Thanks for the giveaway.

StacyUFI said...

Great selection of books!!!


Unknown said...

Would love to be entered! All of these books look fantastic.

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Layla Messner said...

Ooo, cool choices...I have to say, "Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Betwee" is a great title.



Sullivan McPig said...

*drool* You sure make it hard to chose should I so lucky to win.

And the trading cards arrived!!! Yay!

Lesley D said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I read and enjoyed Hounded, and I'm really looking forward to Dead, Undead, or Somewhere In Between - it's been on my mental TBR pile since it's first release and I've heard such great things!

drakeLa90 at aol dot com

Edyta said...

Thanks for the great giveaway :D. I'd love to read Hounded. My cat is a superstar, also I can't believe we have to wait till Dec the #3 in your trilogy !!

Beth Woodward said...

I love my cat. Her name is Annabel Lee. She is very pretty. I can show you a picture...

Oh, probably didn't *actually* want us to talk about our cats, did you?

What an awesome giveaway! Thank you!

Mariee said...

Awesome giveaway! I haven't read any of these books yet.

I have two rescue cats that I've had just over a year, can't imagine life without them.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

throuthehaze said...

So difficult to choose! Thanks for the giveaway
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Nicole K said...

Thanks for doing this! I'm relatively new to the genre so this list is making me all :D

My smaller cat is the klutziest cat around and falls off of things a lot.

nicoleak at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Oh, Book Depository sure rocks! And so do you! :))
Thanks for this great opportunity to choose from so many great books! *-*

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

M Cris said...

So many good options... I've had my eye on most of them, so thanks!

cris_mv at hotmail dot com

Rachel said...

I'm dying to read Hounded by Kevin Hearne. I recently entered the Nerdscape contest he was having on his blog giving away ARC's but I wasn't lucky enough to win though :(
I still can't wait for this book though....


Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I've been yearning for "Hounded" for quite some time now.

Hope you're having a great weekend!

ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

Katia said...

Great books! I can't wait to get my hands on "hounded".
kr_moreau at doglover dot com

Diane P said...

Three to Tango is not one that I have seen before.
I have read the 1st Spell crackers so I will probably get the 2nd one. Thanks for being so generous.
readerdiane at gmail dot com

LSUReader said...

Wow--what great choices! You're so sweet, Carolyn, giving away these tasty morsels to keep us coming back until you offer up the next Disillusionist! Please enter me. (Email in profile.)

Amy said...

Please enter me into the giveaway. Thanks so much! The books are awesome!


Anne said...

I'd only heard about 3 of these books and haven't read any of them. Time to start adding to my TBR list.

Some many books, so little time.

Cathy M said...

I have quite of these titles on my wish list already, and have been hearing great comments about them.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

im always finding new authors and wonderful books /tamibates

Unknown said...

So many wonderful books, but my heart sped up when I saw you included Sonya's Gavyn Donatti series! Finally! I'M on a hellbent mission to spread the love about this series, not only is the concept so uniquely fresh but Sonya's humourous writing makes it extraordinary! Master of None was one of my favourite reads of 2010 (if not THE best) and Master and Apprentice is just as good! My only complaint is that now that I have read Book #2 I now have to wait to read more of Gavyn and Ian's adventures. So glad you'll be picking it up Carolyn and can't wait for you to join to the dark side! ;-D lol

Thank you for the fantastic giveaway!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

kylie said...

You know not to invite me to talk about my cat! She's the brattiest- it's Mother's Day but she insists it's still her day, not her fur mommy's. Anyway, what a great group of books; there are a couple that fall on my for sure TBR list.


Anonymous said...

Oh WOW, so many good sounding books, I can't believe you are giving these away. I really really hope that I am lucky. But sadly I don't have a cat to discuss. :(
lisa gk at yahoo dot com

J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

Aww, Carolyn. Thank you so much! And thank you for the cards. I <3 them!

elaing8 said...

Thanks for the giveaway.There are a few of those books I have on my wish list.

Chelsea B. said...

Wow! Fantabulous givaway, Carolyn! Thanks! :-)


Anonymous said...

Such a great selection, Dead, Undead and Somewhere Inbetween describes how I am feeling right now perfectly with a migraine I am trying to shake, so I am thinking I'd love to win that!

Thanks for the opportunity!


Juliana Dias said...

Oooh, I've been wanting to read this series by Suzanne McLeod for a long time, please enter me!

juiceb0xx at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

So many great releases this month! Thanks for the great giveaway!


Aline Tobing said...

I must admit that I read none of the books posted here ;)

Thank you for creating this international giveaway! Maybe this is my chance to start any of the series if I win :D

Hope I'll be one lucky winner! :D


orannia said...

Ohhh - lots of recent releases. Thank you for the heads up Carolyn :)

Oh, please don't include me in the giveaway :)

Dot S.( said...

I don't have a cat, I did have a cat...sigh. Anyway, I would love to win one of these books.

sara said...

I would love to win a copy of Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between. I've heard so many good things about it but even though I live in a big city, I can't find a copy of it anywhere and none of the big retailers in my country have it available for shipping. Grrr.

sarace (at) gmail (dot) com

ArtemisG said...

Thanks for the great giveaway and for making it international.
Great list of books.
I have the most beautiful black cat, his name is Orestis.

artgiote at gmail dot com

myrandaroyann said...

So many cool books! I'm finally done with my last semester of my junior year of college! Freedom!

Mystrez (Cherie Stokes) said...

Awesome list of book - I love the Spellcracker series :) Will have to check out some of the others in your list!
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. cheriestokes at gmail dot com

Bookwyrm369 said...

I've heard such great things about "Dead, Undead, or Somewhere In Between" and am so excited that it's being re-released! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

smaccall @

Barbara E. said...

What a great selection of books! I really want to read Hounded and The Cold Kiss of Death in particular. I happen to be reading Shady Lady right now, and I can definitely recommend it, but you might want to read the rest of the series first.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

donnas said...

What a cool giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

jayjay said...

Been wanting to read the Immortal After Dark series but still haven't have a chance. Thanks for the giveaway! would really love to win and read the book.


kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

wow, what a brilliant giveaway! I'm spreading the word :))
I really really want Hounded. I've seen the covers of all 3 books, and the guy looks just scrumptious (call me shallow).

Leni said...

Looking at the titles made me think about how I used to stay away from series and now the bulk of my favorite readings are from a series.

Kaetrin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaetrin said...

Kresley Cole does get nice covers for her IAD series doesn't she? *sigh*


Carolyn Crane said...

I've sat down with my tea and with the help of, picked a winner! Diane P. Diane, I'll be emailing you!