Friday, September 21, 2012

Food, books, and birthday!

Hey friends! A few newsy items in the land of Carolyn Crane, which is right now a groggy but excitingly autumny place. One, it's my birthday! And I feel so happy and grateful to wake up to so many sweet birthday wishes.

Also, I'm over at the awesome French blog, Between Dreams and Reality today, with a guest post where I am shocked to realize how incredibly food-focused all my books are. And, I'm giving away a download of Devil's Luck, the Simon novella there. And, Melliane has translated my post into French! Which I am endlessly impressed by.

So, come say hi!!

My birthday events today will include finishing a very sexy scene, then doing lots of dayjob stuff, and later, dinner with friends. I'll hopefully sneak in some more of reading THE TAKEN in by Vicki Pettersson, a book I'm so in love with right now.

Happy Friday, friends!


B.E. Sanderson said...

Happy Birthday, Carolyn! I hope your day is awesome. =o)

Roger said...

Happy birthday to you!

Share the day with Stephen King - His birthday too!

Chris said...

Happy birthday! It's also Leonard Cohen's birthday. FWIW. ;)

Anonymous said...

Haaaaapy Birthday Carolyn!!

Melliane said...

Thank you so much again for this post and Happy birthday! Have a lovely day!

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

Happy birthday, Carolyn!!! *throws confetti* Just stay as wonderful and awesome as you are and hopefully find a vamp to bite you so you can be an immortal and write even more books which eventually will take over the world :)))

Carolyn Crane said...

Thanks you guys for the awesome wishes and comments!! You make me feel so lucky!

Jen Twimom said...

Happy Belated birthday! Sorry I missed it. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!