Monday, February 22, 2010

An evil and pernicious new trend that is rotting the heart of blogland

For years, book blogs have been wonderful and welcoming places where readers can enjoy book discussions and recommendations.

I love to visit book blogs. I get excited when I see an image of a book I've been wondering about, or a new book, and get to read about it, view excerpts, see what the blogger and commenters think.

To a book lover like me, it is one of the funnest things about the Internet and a great aid in discovering new books. I have special lists where I note down the titles that catch my interest and books I may buy. Book blog surfing is one of the joys of my life.

WAS one of the joys of my life.

Imagine my distress when I go to a favorite blog, excitedly read an excerpt that I enjoy and think, Wow, I have to read more of this! I must buy this book! ...and then the blogger REFUSES to tell what the book is. Not only that, but makes a cruel little game out of it! That's right, I'm talking about "guess the book" games.

This is an evil and pernicious new trend. A couple recent offenders: Sayuri at Damn Heart and Jill D. at Romance Rookie. I believe there are others!

Would you ever train a dog to come for a treat whenever you ring a bell, and then you ring a bell and and the dog comes, and you just laugh at the dog instead? No? Sayuri and Jill would do it to book blog readers! And they would LOL about it too!

Jill and Sayuri, do you not see what you are doing to readers? The way you are keeping us in suspense?

For the love of all that is right and good, you must not taunt your readers with hot and funny and enticing passages and not reveal the title.

I have to know that title of that Western Historical, Jill. It was driving me crazy all weekend.

Please, hear my pleas on behalf of your readers. Reveal the titles! I am begging you!


Sullivan McPig said...

I haven't come across anything like this yet, but I can understand your annoyance. I think i'd unfollow any blog that pulled this trick on me.

Carolyn Crane said...

Sullivan: But they are a couple of my fave blogs! How could I unfollow! I am only asking for a stop to this game, or else, if you could privately email me all titles. Is that too much to ask, Jill and Sayuri?

Chris said...

Heh. When I did that, I was asked by the author, who apparently forgot that she asked me, not to post anything until the book's release date.

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

LOL Carolyn, Sayuri caught me too - I haven't been able to guess ANY of the books so far!

Mandi said...

Oh I love this!! is driving me crazy..but in a good way ;)

Hilcia said...

Oh! Sayuri's was easy because she used the characters' names & I read the book... but Jill's is driving me NUTS! I can't figure it out... Ahhhhhh! (I hope she puts up the answer soon).

Carolyn Crane said...

Chris: LOL

Patti:I know! Me either! Though apparently it is easy for SOME people.

Mandi: How are people supposed to concentrate when being driven crazy like this?

Hilcia: Me, too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I started my own book blog last month because I wanted to share the books that I've enjoyed with other readers...I could not conceive of being that mean to people. Ugh. That's just wrong.

*hugs Carolyn* You might be able to google some of the lines of the excerpt and find the book. Longshot, but possible. :) I hope you find it!

Carolyn Crane said...

Mireyah: Let that be a lesson to you. If you put up a saucy and excellent passage, you must tell the title or readers will be in agony!

Carolyn Crane said...

I'm actually just being silly here, though. it's okay if you do it.

Monica Corwin said...

I love when bloggers express their opinions about stuff on the blog...and I agree...not a fun game at all.

Carolyn Crane said...

Monica: Me too! Tho, of course, I am totally just fooling around.

Jill D. said...

Carolyn!!! You are too funny! This was a game I used to play over on the RT message boards. It introduced me to a lot of great books. I think I made this one too hard, LOL becuase it is not a well known book. But it is fabulous, none-the-less and everybody must read it. I'll will give it a few more days and then post the answer.

Spoil sport! :)

M said...

How terrible! What a terrible thing for them to do.

You know, I had a feeling about those girls..*suspicious*

(off to see if I can guess)

Renee said...

I've been hooked on Sayuri's taunting posts for a while now. Must go check out Jill's for some more torture.

Am I a masochist?

Blodeuedd said...

Oh that is just evil! To do that to a booklover *shakes head* Tsk, wicked girls

Sayuri said...


Actually, I saw Jill's the other day and I thought, 'Hmm, that's clever.' So I am going to start taking out the names too. Just to make it harder!

*rubs hands together a la Dr Evil*

Kati said...

I *hate* not knowing ANY secrets. So this contest would kill me. I'll have to avoid these blogging games or risk a nervous breakdown.


You know, our Sayuri is adorable, but she's a little tiny masochist, isn't she?? :wink:

Christine said...

"Secrets secrets are no fun,
unless you share with everyone.

Unless, of course, your names are Jill or Sayuri. LOL!

Lea said...


I would have no clue and while it may bug the hell out of me, I would give up. lol

No time.

Great post!!

J.T. Oldfield said...

I haven't noticed this trend, but I will be sure to keep an eye out for it, and rant at any bloggers who do it! :)

writtenwyrdd said...

That blog would lose me as a follower for that.

Tracy said...

LOL CJ I love the dog/bell analogy. That's just perfect.

KT Grant said...

I got Guess my book correct before. yes, I have mad skills like that.

orannia said...

OOPS! I just wrote a post and didn't mention the name of the book I was referring too the whole way throught! Sorry CJ! At least I said I would name the book if enquiring minds want to know :)

prashant said...

I haven't been able to guess ANY of the books so far!

your healthy choice